Отзывы сотрудников о компании Dyson
Отзыв сотрудника
Улучшение транспортной ситуации для сотрудников, выезжающих в те часы, когда общественный транспорт больше не является вариантом.
Отзыв сотрудника
Отзыв сотрудника
Отзыв сотрудника
Руководитель направления собственных продаж
Управляющий магазином
Управляющий магазином
Система мотивации , официальное трудоустройство.
Эксперт по продажам
Старший бухгалтер
Часто задаваемые вопросы о работе в компании Dyson
Рекомендуют ли сотрудники компанию Dyson для трудоустройства?
92.3% сотрудников рекомендуют компанию Dyson для трудоустройства, на основании 13 оценок.
Какая оплата труда в компании Dyson?
Сотрудники компании Dyson оценивают оплату труда на 4.8 из 5, на основании 13 оценок.
Как сотрудники Dyson оценивают руководство компании?
Сотрудники компании Dyson оценивают работу руководства на 4.5 из 5, на основании 13 оценок.
Как сотрудники Dyson оценивают возможности карьерного роста компании?
Сотрудники компании Dyson оценивают возможности карьерного роста на 4.1 из 5, на основании 13 оценок.
Dyson’s policy is to conduct all our business in a legal, ethical and responsible manner. We recognize the necessity of environmental stewardship to the long-term sustainable growth of Dyson, through the protection of our employees, the people working within our supply chains, and the localities in which we operate. We must ensure that any business decisions consider the effect on the environment, and that any impacts are appropriately addressed and sufficiently mitigated. At Dyson we are committed to doing more with less by creating high-performing, efficient machines and technologies that use fewer resources. We are in the business of manufacturing; therefore we must address the environmental impacts of our products and our operations, and support our suppliers to do the same. We are constantly looking to improve our impact on the environment. Dyson’s current environmental commitments include the following, but remain under review as we push harder to be better:
- Measure the environmental impacts of our operations and products, set targets for improvements and monitor progress against those targets in areas including but not limited to energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and waste
- Design products, packaging and behaviours using a mechanistic-based approach, to reduce adverse environmental impacts in production, use and end of life
- Reduce primary material demand through the reduction, recovery and reuse of resources
- Improve resource efficiency, targeting waste and addressing pollution across our global operations, including further adoption of renewable energy supplies
- Ensure that employees have a level of knowledge and understanding appropriate to their environmental responsibilities and are aware of actions they can take to reduce their impacts
- Support Contract Manufacturers, suppliers and subcontractors to adopt the same environmental commitments
- Complete an annual review including progress against targets
These commitments are upheld by the Dyson Board with the support of Dyson’s Sustainability Team. The global challenge of protecting the environment will define the next decade. Dyson is committed to using its technology, people and influence to be part of the shift to a sustainable future. We all have an individual and collective responsibility to ensure that Dyson contributes to the protection of the environment; it is simply the right thing to do.