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Запросить отзывыVISSEN
was founded in 2019, incorporating many years of experience of specialists in various fields of activity. Since 2023 the company has entered the Uzbekistan market.
VISSEN is a dynamic multinational team open to the newest and most advanced technologies. Our team is ready to implement projects of any complexity for the needs of customers.
The Main Focus
of the company's development is innovative technologies, in particular Fleet management, IoT and Electromobility.
The company invests knowledge and experience in the development of software for Fleet management systems, IoT, EV battery charging and testing systems, charging modules. A significant part of the company's portfolio is occupied by outsourcing of software and hardware development of any complexity.
We will be glad to have your contact with our company. We are confident that you will not regret choosing us as your partner.
Sincerely, Your VISSEN Team https://vissen.uz/
Информация о VISSEN CA
О корпоративной культуре в компанииКатегория: Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет