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Запросить отзывы– Who we are?
Digital agency IRIS Media is gathering some of the most experienced and well-known industry veterans when it comes to acquiring sustainable users on a global scale.
With up to 10+ years in the ad tech sphere, both on Mobile and Desktop, our team of international leaders combines knowledge, skills and a truly client focused mindset.
Reaching millions of users in over 80 countries on a monthly base, IRIS Media is actively adding value to the most successful app and lead generation campaigns in various verticals such as Transportation, Delivery, Shopping, Gaming, Gambling and Dating.
As a digital agency, IRIS Media merges programmatic in-house technology with a vast network of trusted partners and sources.
– And what we do?
Depending on the clients’ needs, IRIS Media advises and delivers on anything from purely performance-based app installs to hyper targeted influencer campaigns.
Информация о Айрис Медиа
О корпоративной культуре в компанииКатегория: СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование