Работа в Monnect
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Most likely you’ve already used our products when paying in a store or buying online. Now it’s time to personally participate in creating leading financial services!


In-house processing 
With more than 100,000,000 transactions per year, it provides end-to-end payment processing cycle for companies around the world

Payment solutions
Mobile cash registers, payment terminals, acquiring — we keep up with the latest trends and kick off new technologies, like “Tap on phone”

Payment software and hardware for HoReCa
We help to accept cashless tips, charge fees for food delivery and more. Among our customers are the best Michelin starred restaurants in Moscow

Payment services for travel agencies
We pioneered the acquiring market for travel agencies and still leading it — we work with all travel agencies in Russia and process 30%+ of transactions of the entire travel market.


We offer effective communication, strong team, reasonable approach to tasks and large projects


No bureaucracy
You can discuss any matters with company leaders and get support. Do you want to implement a new technology or update a workflow? You’re welcome!

Strong team and clear processes
We only hire experienced professionals. So, there are no juniors in our development team. We don’t make it Agile for the sake of Agile – all workflows are tailored to specific projects and tasks

Growing business
With more than 300 employees, we are growing and evolving. The company is expanding, kicks off new projects and enters new markets.

Global recognition
Platforta brand unites payment solution providers all around the globe. More than 30 partner banks, 5,000+ customers and compliance to international financial requirements and standards



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