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Recruitment and IT expertise? Apache Associates boasts an enviable knowledge-base. The brain-child of one Director with over 15 years experience within the Travel sector and another with 12 years+ within the IT recruitment field, Apache Associates quickly established itself as a leading recruitment company to the tourism, hospitality, travel and leisure industries. Having secured their presence within Travel recruitment, Apache Associates opened an IT division in order to leverage the expertise of one of the founding partners, who has successfully managed permanent and contract IT and Sales recruitment campaigns for numerous blue-chips and niche SMEs. Apache offers the full range of recruitment services including permanent and temporary staffing solutions, as well as on-site recruitment and master vendor services. Our burgeoning client list includes software houses, consultancy practices and end-users. With our undoubted recruitment and market knowledge, we are able to provide clients with unrivalled levels of service along with the ability to save time, effort and money - qualities not to be dismissed in the current climate.
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