Работа в TGA‑Systems
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О компании

Developing software is simple. Developing good software with a real added value – that is a challenge not that simple.
Having its roots in the traditional telecommunication sector, Telerion (formely known as TGA Systems) has specialized in development of voice and data applications and is a software developing company that has been successfully rising to this challenge for the past ten years. With its headquarter in  Mannheim, Germany – Telerion offers Managed Services and Leased NGN Structure (e.g. IVR, SBC, Call-centers, etc. ) and develops applications for Embedded Systems, Linux Device Drivers and customized Call-center/CTI solutions. Our company has several branches located in United States, Romania, Lithuania, Brasil, Belarus. We believe that  quality is not something that happens by chance, it is the result of careful planning, paired with innovative technology and well developed skills.

Офис в Нижнем Новгороде

  • Занимаемся законченной продуктовой разработкой высоконагруженных приложений в облачных сервисах
  • Дружеская атмосфера
  • Минимум бюрократии, максимум результата
  • Гибкий график, возможность удаленной работы
  • Оплата в соответствии с законодательством РФ