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Joy Joy Luck Fook Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is China’s largest foreign actors talent agency. We bring together professional actors from Russia, England, Japan and many other countries, as well as a foreign and domestic staff to compose a top-tier foreign talent agency.

Joy Luck Productions strives for a work spirit of Trust, Hope and Love to provide excellent service for production crews, and become the Chinese entertainment industry’s the first brand name foreign actors talent agency.


Since its inception in 2005, we have gradually grown and now account for over a 90% share of foreign actors in starring roles, supporting roles and extras in Chinese films and TV dramas.


《建国大业》, 《建党伟业》, 《风声》, 《南京!南京!》, 《一个人的奥林匹克》,《十二生肖》;《一步之遥》,《开罗宣言》及中俄合拍电影《天鹅》等之名影片。

Notable Chinese film cooperations:

Founding of the Republic, Founding of a Party, The Message, The City of Life and Death, The One Man Olympics, Chinese Zodiac, Gone with the Bullets, The Cairo Declaration, and Chinese-Russian coproduction Ballet in the Flames of War.

电视剧; 《解放》, 《东方》,《五星红旗》, 《中国远征军》, 《长沙保卫战》, 《我的娜塔莎》, 《大掌门》,《国际大营救》,《上海王》,《秀才遇到兵》 《历史转折中的邓小平》,《东方战场》 等全部外籍主演及90%以上配角,这些在中国耳熟能详的著名电影和电视剧中的外籍主演全部由本公司推荐和签约,曾签约合作明星,2009年《建党伟业》本公司推荐俄罗斯明星维塔斯《建党伟业》并成功签约,。2014年八一厂和俄罗斯获奥斯卡奖的著名导演米哈尔科夫合作的《战火中的芭蕾》本公司成功推荐了俄罗斯明星EGOR KORESHKOV签约男一号。本公司长期合约演员有日本演员大冢匡将电影《厨子戏子痞子》《天安门》主演,电视剧《秀才遇到兵》《国际大营救》等知名影片反一号,另一日本演员小林成男是《金陵十三钗》《天国地狱》等知名影片主演。另外一位美国演员Jonathan Kos-Read 曹操在中国已经拍过近百部作品,经本公司推荐的演员无论从经验能力上,还是敬业态度上均赢得各方各界的一致好评和赞誉!

Notable TV drama cooperations:

Liberation, The Orient, Five Star Flag, The Long March, Battle of Changsha, My Natasha, Da Zhang Men, The Great Rescue, The King of Shanghai, Xiucai Encountered Soldiers, Deng Xiaoping at History’s Crossroads, Eastern Battlefield and more used over 90% foreigners for their supporting characters. The foreign actors in these  famous and familiar Chinese TV dramas were all recommended and signed through our company. We have signed famous stars, including Russian celebrity and singer Vitas, who in 2009 signed with us to film the nationally released Founding of a Party. For the filming of 2014’s Ballet in the Flames of War, directed by Oscar winning, and multiply nominated Foreign Language Film director Nikita Mikhalkov, our company successfully signed Russian actor Egor Koreshkov to star as the lead role. We have signed Japanese actor Shigeo Kobayashi to multiple leading roles, including films The Thief, the Actor, and the Scoundrel as well as Tiananmen. He has also played the lead villain in TV dramas such as The Great Rescue and Xiucai Encountered Soldiers. We have also signed American actor Jonathan Kos-Read (known as Cao Cao in China) to over 100 productions. The actors we have recommended have been praised for both their professional technique and respectful attitudes on set.


In addition to our actors, the full range of services provided by the staff and crew at Joy Joy Fook Luck is also professional, industry-oriented, and comprehensive.


Post-production cooperations:


In accordance with the diverse needs of the market, the company has also expanded its services to dubbing and translation. In recent years, we have undertaken Chinese dubbing for a documentary series on Russian Central Broadcasting, as well as commercials for Chinese Petroleum in Moscow. We have also provided dubbing in English, Japanese, Russian and German on multiple movies and TV dramas.

Just as the passage from Bible teachings, “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men,” our company adhere’s to a business philosphy of integrity and moral high ground.

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