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Компания Picktheplace ( www.picktheplace.co.uk) расположена в Лондоне. Основной вид деятельности - краткосрочная аренда аппартаментов в городе. Компания предоставляет лучший сервис уже более 7 лет и признана одной из самых востребованных компаний по краткосрочной аренде в Лондоне. Мы предлагаем нашим клиентам лучшие условия пребывания : отличное расположение, техническая поддержка 24/7, встреча гостей, полный набор услуг в аппартаментах (клининг, туалетные и кухонные принадлежности, тв и т.д). А также дополнительные услуги, включающие службу консъерж, прокат автомобилей, шофера, персонального байера, экскурсии по городу.

PickThePlace strives to offer you the finest experiences London has available.

Our accommodation is hand-picked to provide you the best and most luxurious staying experience in London. All our properties are fully equipped and dressed before each stay to assure your upmost comfort and hassle-free accommodation and amenities. Because we know London like the back of our hand you can rest assured your stay comes with a team that are able and willing to help at anytime and can also tell you who’s who and what’s what in the city.

One of the most important factors to the PickThePlace EXPERIENCE are the location of our properties and by having an unrivalled insider’s knowledge we ensure all our accommodation is situated in prime and sought after locations that offer easy access to various highly regarded and in demand experiences and destination points such as popular tourist attractions, shopping area, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, roof-top lounges and local delicacies.

Choose your favorite Central London location on this easy to use website www.picktheplace.co.uk where each of our properties are equipped with a list of things-to-do information on nearby locations. Each Property comes ready equipped with a full list of nearby services/ amenities and a video that shows you exactly how the property is presented… so you know exactly what to expect for each accommodation choice.

Knowing London so well means you can leave it to us to provide you accommodations in the best locations such as Mayfair, Hyde Park or even on the River Thames; just tell us what you are after, and the PickThePlace team is committed to matching your requirements and providing you with only the best and most hassle-free, considered experiences.

Each of our stays come with a complete list of amenities, a personal meet and greet service and a support team that is dedicated to making sure your stay experience runs as smoothly as possible. PickThePlace offers a list of extra services including concierge, car hire, chauffeur and personal shopper.

Представительство компании в Москве Picktheplace Moscow оказывает сервисную поддержку офису в Лондоне. Наши специалисты приобретают опыт работы в международной компании, находясь в тесном взаимодействии с сотрудниками английского офиса.