Работа в BSA Russia
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Software and computers are indispensable tools of everyday life. They promote growth and progress in many ways from improving health care and making it more affordable, to saving energy, improving student achievement, knitting together our diverse population, and driving the overall strength and vitality of our economy.

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) is the voice of the world's software industry and its hardware partners on a wide range of business and policy affairs. BSA’s mission is to promote conditions in which the information technology (IT) industry can thrive and contribute to the prosperity, security, and quality of life of all people.

BSA is the largest and most international IT industry group, with policy, legal and/or educational programs in 80 countries. While several of BSA’s initiatives are global in scope, most of its policy, legal, and educational efforts are led and conducted at the national level, with a growing emphasis on emerging economies. 

BSA’s member companies are some of the most innovative companies in the world, investing billions of dollars a year in local economies and delivering software solutions trusted by billions of people to help them be more productive, connected, and secure.