Работа в Метриселл СиАйЭс
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We are a young and entrepreneurial software company with offices around the world. We have been on the forefront of network connectivity for over ten years and our solutions are helping fixed line and mobile operators around the world to become Better Connected. We are immensely proud to have been awarded the 2021 Queen's Award for Enterprise. This award is recognition of how our crowdsourcing technology is helping customers around the world to measure and monitor network performance: from Wi-Fi hotspots to mobile coverage.

Metricell is headquartered in the UK but we have offices in the USA, Morocco, Malaysia, Russia and Spain. We supply our geospatial intelligence tools to enterprises, regulators, government bodies and network operators. Our innovative, market-leading network insight capabilities are in use by tens of thousands of personnel working for some of the world’s largest mobile network operators for the benefit of millions of their subscribers.

You can find out more about us here www.metricell.com/about

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Сайт: http://www.metricell.com