Работа в Openprovider

Отзывы сотрудников о компании Openprovider

Оценка компании
1 отзыв
5 4 3 2 1
0 1 0 0 0
Рекомендуют работодателя
Оценки по категориям
Условия труда
Уровень дохода
Условия для отдыха
Возможности роста


ноябрь 2022
Работал 3-5 лет
Что мне нравится в работодателе
свобода в графике и возможность проявить себя
Что можно было бы улучшить
долгосрочное бизнес-планирование
Преимущества и льготы
Своевременная оплата труда
Удаленная работа
Гибкий рабочий график

Часто задаваемые вопросы о работе в компании Openprovider

Рекомендуют ли сотрудники компанию Openprovider для трудоустройства?

100% сотрудников рекомендуют компанию Openprovider для трудоустройства, на основании 1 оценки.

Сотрудники компании Openprovider оценивают оплату труда на 3 из 5, на основании 1 оценки.

Сотрудники компании Openprovider оценивают работу руководства на 3 из 5, на основании 1 оценки.

Сотрудники компании Openprovider оценивают возможности карьерного роста на 2 из 5, на основании 1 оценки.

About us 

At Openprovider we love IT in everything we do. Our why reflects this: Do what you enjoy, and we automate the rest! Customers notice this by giving us high grades & long-term partnerships. In the past years, we have been growing significantly year on year becoming one of the largest domain & SSL wholesalers in Europe. We offer a one-stop-shop solution to resellers for the management of their domains, SSL certificates, Plesk licenses, and more at cost price. Innovation is key, that’s why we collect customer feedback and keep on innovating our platform. We also develop our own AI/Machine Learning software for more efficiency in managing our financial processes and customer-related processes. We help our customers to compete in the market, differentiate, and grow their sales. We like being disruptive, challenging the status quo.

Purpose of existence

We believe that we have to constantly reinvent ourselves


Our belief

Do what you enjoy and we automate the rest


Why should you join?

You want to work in an international company that is conquering the world and you share our core values and our purpose for existence.

You appreciate the flexibility and work-life balance that you can have thanks to remote work possibilities. 

You want to work in a stable and crisis-proof business.


Core values

1. Quality results in quantity

At Openprovider, we accept nothing less than 100% integrity in all our business dealings. Quality, trust, integrity, and commitment are values we live. A deal is a deal.

We are committed to the highest standards of professionalism and act decisively whether internally, with our suppliers and partners, or with our customers. This helps us build fruitful and long-lasting relationships with both our customers and our stakeholders.

2. Do what you Enjoy and Enjoy what you do

Our continued enjoyment in what we do reflects our long term commitment to all our stakeholders – satisfaction for ourselves and our customers.

3. Knowledge equals Power

More than 10 years of rapid growth and success is the result of our passion, creativity, and curiosity, and intelligence for what we do. Constantly learning from all our stakeholders is a key driver for our success. We are in it for the long term.

4. Be a Wolf, not a Sheep

At Openprovider, we are committed to being leaders, not followers.

We value and promote the entrepreneurial spirit of each individual in our organization.

This helps us deliver innovative and creative products and services that add great business value for our customers and help shape our markets, rather than being driven by them.

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