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We deliver best-in-class, data-driven Business Intelligence solutions that make optimal pricing, distribution, and demand generation possible for hotels and travel organizations.
We are the preferred partner to over 20,000 hotels worldwide & the biggest global OTAs
We have a team of 200 people in 10 countries across 4 continents.
Our main partner is the company Fornova. Fornova Distribution Intelligence provides us the scale and ability to continuously monitor from multiple points of sale and manage our diverse partner relationships more effectively"

We do our best for outstanding employees, encouraging them to achieve and to grow through team-building workshops for effective communication, executive coaching, and leadership development for team managers, as well as professional training for managers.
The company provides:
-Medical insurance
-Payment for the gym
-Professional events 
-Bonus salary at the end of the year
-In the office, you will find delicious cookies, tea, coffee.

We are always glad to new employees and projects. Join our friendly team. If you’ve got a friend who is all of the above, we’ve got a nice bonus for you!

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