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Business Directory Phonebook Ireland - Company Finder provides local and nationwide business information for cities in Ireland www.companyfinder.ie & NewsPaper BizBlitz

BizBlitz Newspaper was founded in January 2012, even though we are relatively new, we are gaining more and more popularity each issue. So, whether your looking for a quick deal, buying or selling or in need of a reliable business directory, count on us!
Bizblitz is here to make life easier for everybody. Whether your looking for classified ads, a specific company or that last minute deal, we have you covered. You can catch us on our website, or you can pick up one of our free monthly newspapers from various stores throughout Dublin. Cant be bothered picking it up from the store ? Not to worry, we will be delivering to households throughout Dublin.Were online, and we also have a free montthly newspaper. Classified ad's, company finder, business directory and city deal's.
