Работа в kiddy GmbH
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kiddy is one of the best known manufacturers of children’s car seats in Germany with over 30 years’ experience in the industry. The ‘kiddy’ brand embodies tradition, innovation and an international outlook. The result of this combination is fantastic product intelligence, exciting innovation in design and a presence in over forty countries around the world.


In the beginning the family business was called “Sicartex” and initially produced floor mats and seat covers for the car industry, including BMW and Renault. When the company presented the first ever children’s car seat, the “Urkiddy”, to the Stiftung Warentest (the well-respected German independent consumer organisation), it became an immediate test winner. And so the foundations for the company in its present form were laid down.


Kiddy is one of the few manufacturers who places special emphasis on the impact shield system in its children’s car seats, both as a pioneer and successful market leader. With impact shield technology, kiddy has won much acclaim by producing the best car seats of their class at Stiftung Warentest in recent years (kiddy infinity pro 2007, kiddy comfort pro 2008, kiddy energy pro 2010 und kiddy guardian pro 2010) The product line


“kiddy Design”, which was partly developed in collaboration with European designers Käthe Kruse, Coppenrath and Ravensburger, has of late set new benchmarks for fashionable tastes. Meanwhile, kiddy car seats can be found in almost all European countries, in Asia and the USA. Maximum safety, superb comfort and innovative design – that’s kiddy!