
Отзывы сотрудников о компании GORA GROUP LLC

Оценка компании
1 отзыв
5 4 3 2 1
1 0 0 0 0
Рекомендуют работодателя
Оценки по категориям
Условия труда
Уровень дохода
Условия для отдыха
Возможности роста


октябрь 2023
Работал 1-2 года
Что мне нравится в работодателе
Возможность развития, доброжелательный коллектив, отличные профессиональные обучения
Что можно было бы улучшить
Коммуникация между сотрудниками
Преимущества и льготы
Своевременная оплата труда
Удаленная работа
Гибкий рабочий график
Профессиональное обучение
Система наставничества

Часто задаваемые вопросы о работе в компании GORA GROUP LLC

Рекомендуют ли сотрудники компанию GORA GROUP LLC для трудоустройства?

100% сотрудников рекомендуют компанию GORA GROUP LLC для трудоустройства, на основании 1 оценки.

Сотрудники компании GORA GROUP LLC оценивают оплату труда на 5 из 5, на основании 1 оценки.

Сотрудники компании GORA GROUP LLC оценивают работу руководства на 5 из 5, на основании 1 оценки.

Сотрудники компании GORA GROUP LLC оценивают возможности карьерного роста на 5 из 5, на основании 1 оценки.

GORA Group is a dynamic, innovative, and successfully developing US-based company specializing in the production and sale of dietary supplements through the popular Amazon platform. We engage in marketing promotion for dietary supplement brands and build a successful e-commerce business.

The mission of GORA Group is to create products that promote balance in physical, mental, and emotional health by emphasizing the importance of harmony in people's lives.

Our values:

Harmony in everything: Our approach to business, teamwork, and product development is based on principles of harmony and balance. We believe success is achieved through cooperation, not competition. We create an environment where every employee feels like a valued member of our cohesive team.

Development and Training: At the GORA Group, we foster a culture of continuous learning. We recognize that the growth of each individual contributes to the success of the entire organization. We provide opportunities for professional development so that our team remains at the forefront of industry leaders.

Openness to innovation: At the GORA Group, we value and actively support a culture of openness towards innovation. We understand that the progress and development of our company depend directly on our ability to accept and implement new ideas. We strive to create an environment in which each team member is inspired to experiment and innovate. We are convinced that the courage to propose and implement innovative solutions is the key to our success and growth.

Our group of companies specializes in the following areas:

1. Launching and scaling brands on Amazon

2. In-depth Amazon brand valuation services for VC funds and private investors

3. End-to-end fulfillment and product sourcing

4. End-to-End Marketing Agency for e-commerce brands.

GORA Group has a unique combination of in-depth marketing, financial, and management experts, which creates a synergy that allows it to rapidly scale its business while effectively managing a group of companies.

In 12 months, our team was able to increase monthly revenue from $36,000 to $680,000 as of March 8, 2022, across four business units. This is an increase of 18 times. 90% of our revenue comes from 6 supplement brands owned by GORA.

Our strategy is to actively gain market share by providing high-quality products with a unique design. We implement creative marketing strategies characterized by low costs and high profits, which help make our products popular.

GORA Group was founded in 2021 by 3 partners with 15 years of experience in marketing, finance, and business operations.

The GORA team currently seeks to raise $20 million for an investment fund to acquire existing Amazon and e-commerce brands generating between $2 million and $5 million in revenue, in order to increase market share and geographical presence within the next 3 to 5 years.

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