Работа в Эклектик Транслейшнс
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Eclectic Translations is a boutique language service provider working exclusively in the English-Russian/Russian-English market. Our focus on this language pairing allows us to provide superior services for companies with a presence in Russia and encompassing a range of industries relevant to Russian markets.

We have a preposterously large, hairy mission, which we try to fulfil on a daily basis - Improving Russia's International Image, Through Translation. We're looking for team members who can think big enough, and work hard enough, to make this a reality.

We're already 9 years old, and in that time, we've garnered the trust of some of Russia's biggest names. Andrey Zvyagintsev, Renata Litvinova, Fedor Bondarchuk, and Pavel Lungin have entrusted us with their films.

The Mikhailovsky Theatre, Nevafilm, Smeshariki, and Baltika entrusted us with their print materials.

The St Petersburg International Economic Forum, APEC Russia 2012, The St Petersburg International Gas Forum, and The St Petersburg International Legal Forum have entrusted us with their events.

And Vodokanal St Petersburg, Sberbank Russia, the St Petersburg Metro, and Ilim Pulp have entrusted their corporate videos to our voice actors. That's a lot of trust.

Currently we're a team of 10. We're looking for more.

Will you join us?

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